Coming Up Rosey?

Coming Up Rosey?

Let’s talk about Rosacea. Rosacea is characterized by redness in the skin that usually manifests on the cheeks and nose, can be either dry or oily, and sometimes lead to acne-like breakouts. Rosacea triggers can include spicy foods, alcohol- especially red wine, stress, dehydration, sun exposure, and extreme temperatures. The condition affects 1 in 10 people in the United States, and while there is no cure, there are many treatment options.

Consulting with your dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment is essential. She may advise the use of prescription medication and facials to calm your stressed skin.

Here at THE SPA at Laser + Skin Institute, we offer a Rosacea Facial, rich in antioxidants and algae, that incorporates the use of advanced technologies like iontophoresis and sonophoresis, to soothe inflamed skin. We even offer an spf for Rosacea skin types! Come speak to one of our skilled medical aestheticians and take your skin from “Oh, no!” to “Oh, glow!”


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Does CoolSculpting Tighten Skin?

Does CoolSculpting Tighten Skin?

Prospective fat-freezing patients want to know, does CoolSculpting tighten skin? This is a common question providers hear at consultations. Many people want to know if the popular body contouring treatment will help reduce excess skin in the treatment area. After fat reduction treatments, like liposuction, some people struggle significantly with excess, sagging skin. Thankfully, new research shows that CoolSculpting does the opposite.

The new FDA clearance shows that CoolSculpting improves the appearance of lax tissue in the submental region and reduces stubborn neck and chin fat. This treatment provides people with a double solution to a double chin.

Learn more about Coolsculpting >>

Clinical Evidence That CoolSculpting Tightens Skin

New clinical studies prove that CoolSculpting tightens skins. In one of the new studies, “Cryolipolysis and skin tightening,” The research shows that scientists evaluate CoolSculpting before and after images, finding a “noticeable skin tightening shown in clinical photographs.”

More proof is also found in patient survey data where patients were asked to assess changes to their skin texture and laxity after a CoolSculpting treatment. The study stated that both patients and investigators noted, “consistent improvement in skin texture and laxity for treatments to the outer thighs, abdomen, arms, and back.”

The study concluded, “consistent improvement in skin texture, laxity, and cellulite” results “after cryolipolysis.”

In the “Study to Evaluate Non-Invasive Subcutaneous Fat Reduction in the Submental Area Using Cryolipolysis,” patients received CoolSculpting to the submental region (the chin and neck area.) Of those patients, “77%… showed improved appearance of lax tissue and 75%… reported their chin looked more toned following treatment.”

CoolSculpting is FDA-Cleared to Tighten Skin

The academic findings won CoolSculpting its newest FDA clearance. According to a press release from Allergan, the makers of CoolSculpting, this treatment is the first and only non-surgical fat reduction technology to gain FDA clearance to improve the appearance of skin laxity in conjunction with submental fat or double chin treatments.

Am I the Right CoolSculpting Candidate?

Amazing as CoolSculpting sounds, thanks to its newest FDA clearance for improving skin laxity, this treatment is not suitable for everyone. The ideal CoolSculpting candidate is a healthy, active adult who struggles with diet and exercise-resistant fat in problem areas like the neck and chin region.

The best way to find out if you are the proper fat-freezing candidate is to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a reputable medical spa. During the consultation, you can speak in person with a knowledgeable treatment specialist. They can evaluate your body and determine if this popular treatment is proper for you.

CoolSculpting + Skin Tightening Near Me

If you want to learn more about the skin tightening benefits of the CoolSculpting treatment, contact Laser + Skin Institute. Schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how fat reduction treatments can improve skin laxity. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule your consultation or reach out to us online.


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Stubborn Fat | Understanding Diet and Exercise Resistant Fat

Stubborn Fat | Understanding Diet and Exercise Resistant Fat

Getting rid of stubborn fat is not as simple as some people may think. It can be extremely difficult. Our bodies are complex. There are many factors beyond the supposed “calories in, calories out” ideal that affect our weight. Gender, genetics, and even hormones can influence how and where our body collects weight. Those factors can also dictate how our body responds to diet and exercise.

Learn more about stubborn fat and discover why some fat resists healthy living, also how you can quickly rid yourself of stubborn fat for good.

CoolSculpting Targets Stubborn Fat >>

The Biology of Body Shape

Genetics, gender, and hormones are just a few factors determining the number of fat cells in our bodies and where they tend to collect. Once an individual reaches adulthood, the number of fat cells and their placement becomes fixed. Lifestyle can influence how much fat is stored in those fat cells, but it will not change the number of fat cells.

For many women, the body distributes more fat cells to the lower body. This fat distribution is to help prepare the female body for pregnancy. For men, the body distributes more fat in the upper part of the body. Not only does the body spread more fat to certain areas, but it also determines what fat cells will resist diet and exercise.

Related article: CoolSculpting for men >>

The Physiology of Stubborn Fat

Fat cells have two receptors. They are the Alpha-2 and Beta-2 receptors. The Alpha-2 receptors tell cells to store fat for later use. Beta-2 receptors tell them to break down and release fat for immediate use. Fat cells have either more Alpha-2 or Beta-2 receptors. If the fat cell has more Alpha-2, it will be more likely to resist diet and exercise. If it has more Beta-2, it will respond more efficiently to diet and exercise by burning fat quickly.

Unfortunately, the body areas with more fat cell distribution tend to have fat cells with more Alpha-2 receptors. For those people, their body not only stores more fat cells in the stomach area, but that the belly fat is predisposed to resist diet and exercise. The greater presence of Alpha-2 in those fat cells means getting rid of stubborn belly fat is nearly impossible for those individuals, no matter how much they diet or exercise.

Fat Reduction Options for Stubborn Fat Bulges

Fortunately, fat reduction treatments exist for people struggling with diet and exercise-resistant bulges. Liposuction and CoolSculpting offer safe, effective ways to eliminate persistent fat from problem areas like the stomach and thighs. Fat reduction treatments do not make the fat cells release fat. Instead, the treatments remove the entire fat cells entirely from the body. This process reduces the number of fat cells in a given area, leading to a drastic and noticeable reduction in fat.

See before and after pictures >>

Fat Reduction Treatments for Stubborn Fat Near Me

If you live in the Chatham, NJ area and want to learn more about fat reduction treatments, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We provide patients with easy ways to eliminate fat cells and sculpt a sexy, attractive physique. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule a free consultation or reach out to us online to learn how to eliminate stubborn fat.


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Core Workouts with CoolTone

Core Workouts with CoolTone

What is more attractive than slender waists with sculpted abs? So many people are looking for the next promising core workouts to chisel their midsection.

Unfortunately, the number of crunches and sit-ups necessary to achieve a six-pack make this aesthetic almost impossible to obtain. The secret to getting a lean waist and washboard abs is the body sculpting treatment, CoolTone. This treatment is FDA cleared to strengthen, firm, and tone the abdominal muscles.

Read on to learn more about the core workouts possible with CoolTone.

What Can Traditional Core Workouts Do?

Traditional workouts of sit-ups, crunches, and planks can only do so much for the physique. When done correctly and frequently, they can strengthen the abdomen. However, they may not chisel the abs the way one might be expecting.

See CoolTone before and after pics >>

What Can Traditional Core Workouts not Do?

Science shows that six-pack abs are elusive to most people. It doesn’t matter how much they diet and exercise. We can thank genetics for this fact.

Moreover, you can have strong abdominal muscles. Still, if you carry any extra weight around in the midsection, they can be obscured by that belly fat. No amount of core exercises can change that. The thought that specific ab exercises can spot reduce abdominal muscles is a myth. Working out muscles that lay below fat bulges will not specifically target those stubborn fat cells.

Working Your Core with CoolTone

Fortunately, for people who do not have time, energy, or the right genetics to sculpt a lean six-pack, CoolTone can help. This body sculpting treatment uses advanced electromagnetic technology to induce a physical response known as magnetic muscle stimulation or MMS. During treatments, electromagnetic energy penetrates the muscle tissues. This energy stimulates the tissues causing them to contract.

One treatment induces more than 20,000 contractions in a single, painless 30-minute procedure.

These are not ordinary contractions. They are supramaximal contractions and rival the manual contractions done during exercise. In response to the powerful tension placed on the target tissue during treatments, the body adapts by creating more muscle cells and enlarging existing muscle tissues. This results in a firmer, sculpted midsection.

Core Workouts with CoolTone Near Me

If you want to learn more about the superhuman core workouts possible with CoolTone, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a proud provider of CoolTone treatments in the Chatham, NJ, area. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online.


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CoolTone Abs in 30-Minutes

CoolTone Abs in 30-Minutes

Countless men and women work their cores manually in the gym with no positive results. Now, with CoolTone abs, you can achieve a slim, sculpted waistline in just 30-minutes. The truth is that the number of crunches it takes to obtain a defined midsection is almost impossible to achieve. Thankfully, CoolTone treatments provided people with a powerful core workout that sculpts the stomach muscles. The body sculpting treatment is FDA cleared to strengthen, firm, and tone the abdominal muscles. Learn more about CoolTone stomach treatments here.

What Do Regular Core Workouts Do?

Manual exercise can only do so much for your body. Crunches, planks, and sit-ups are great exercises for your abs, but they may not chisel your stomach the way you want. In fact, many men and women do all out in the gym trying to achieve a sculpted stomach with manual exercise alone.

See CoolTone before and after >>

What Do Regular Core Workouts Not Do?

Science reveals that rock-hard abs are elusive for some people. The truth is that genetics is a prominent factor in how our bodies react to manual exercise. Some people could work their core out every day of the week and still not see the sculpted muscles they desire.

Moreover, you can have solid abs but carry extra weight around that obscures them. No amount of core exercise can change anything if you struggle with fat bulges in the stomach. Also, the idea that you can spot reduce fat and sculpt washboard abs is a myth. Working out the muscles that lay below fat bulges will not always reduce fat in that area.

Related: CoolSculpting fat freezing treatments >>

Achieve Cool Tone Abs in 30-Minutes

For people who don’t necessarily have the right genetics or the time to spend in the gym working their stomachs, Cool Tone can help. This body sculpting treatment is scientifically proven to strengthen the core and provide Cool Tone abs when manual exercise fails.

Cool Tone uses advanced electromagnetic technology to induce a powerful physical response known as magnetic muscle stimulation. During one session, the electromagnetic energy penetrates the muscle tissue below the skin. This energy stimulates the tissue, causing contractions.

One Cool Tone treatment induces more than 20,000 contractions in a single session that is virtually painless and lasts 30 minutes.

The contractions obtained during a Cool Tone session are not regular muscle contractions. They are supramaximal contractions and can only be induced during a body sculpting treatment. The contractions place powerful tension on the target muscle tissues. The body adapts to this tension by creating more muscle cells and enlarging the existing muscle tissue. The result is a stronger, sculpted core.

CoolTone Abs Near Me

If you want to learn more about CoolTone stomach treatments and how to get rock-hard CoolTone Abs, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a proud provider of this revolutionary body sculpting treatment in the Chatham area. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule a free consultation and learn how this treatment can enhance your core.


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Cryolipolysis. Learn about freezing fat with CoolSculpting

group of women doing exercise with fit body from coolsculpting treatment

Cryolipolysis. Learn about freezing fat with CoolSculpting

Cryolipolysis is the scientific method that sculpts attractive-looking physiques.  This fat-freezing process is the #1 non-surgical fat reduction alternative to Liposuction. CoolSculpting or Cryolipolysis refers to the reduction of fat deposits through exposure to precisely controlled temperatures. “Cryo” means cold, “lipo” refers to fat, and “lysis” means cell death. 

Also called fat freezing, Cryolipolysis is scientifically proven to reduce stubborn bulges despite diet and exercise. Results appear natural, providing long-term solutions to frustrating fat deposits, such as belly fat, love handles, and more. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting and if fat freezing is right for you.

The Discovery of Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis was discovered by Harvard Scientists Dr. Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD. They noticed a reduction in cheek fat when children sucked on popsicles, a phenomenon called popsicle panniculitis. Dr. Manstein shared the concept of Cryolipolysis with Allure Magazine stating, “Fat freezes at warmer temperatures than water. Take butter and water in the refrigerator – one is solid, the other remains a liquid.”

Utilizing the same standard, Dr. Manstein recognized that by exposing fat bulges to cold temperatures, he could successfully freeze the fat without harming the overlying tissue. This occurs because skin cells consist mainly of water and thus have a much lower freezing capacity than fat cells.

See genuine CoolSculpting Results >>

How Cryolipolysis Works

CoolSculpting uses an applicator to isolate a fat bulge like belly fat, then exposes that fat deposit to exact cooling.  These temperatures are cold enough to freeze subcutaneous fat while protecting the skin. “Frozen” fat cells crystalize then rupture. This causes apoptosis or cell death. The destruction of the cell signals the lymphatic system to excrete these cells as waste from the body. This process may take several weeks. Like Liposuction, which surgically removes the fat cells, Cryolipolysis freezes fat cells to death.  Therefore, once these “frozen” fat cells leave the body as waste, they are gone for good. This represents for you a fantastic physique with long-lasting benefits.

Related Article: CoolSculpting vs Liposuction>>

Cryolipolysis results in impressive long-term fat reduction. Nils Krueger’s study depicts a 25% reduction in fat following a single fat freezing treatment. Unlike Liposuction, which uses a surgical procedure to remove the body’s fat, Coolsculpting employs no surgery. Fat freezing is convenient, painless, non-invasive, and requires no downtime. That is why millions of men and women flock to CoolSculpting, making it the #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the world.

Is Cryolipolysis Right for Me?

The only way to determine whether Cryolipolysis is right for you is to schedule a complimentary consultation with the Laser + Skin Institute, the premier CoolSculpting provider in Chatham, NJ. Your fat freezing expert will advise you as to whether fat freezing is right for you during your consult. To acquire the body you desire, simply fill out the form online or call 973-635-5050 today.


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CoolTone Butt | Non-Surgical Butt Lift

young woman with beautiful buttocks from cooltone treatment

CoolTone Butt | Non-Surgical Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular treatment for people who want to enhance their backside. Unfortunately for those people, this method of butt lift comes with drawbacks like invasive surgery, pain, and a long recovery. Fortunately, CoolTone provides people with a safe, effective way to achieve a lifted butt without invasive surgery. The body shaping treatment enhances the glutes’ muscle mass and improves the muscle tone for a shapelier butt. Read on to learn more about the treatment and if it is right for you.

How Does Cool Tone Work?

CoolTone is FDA cleared to strengthen, tone, and build muscles. This treatment uses advanced magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology. This technology penetrates the muscles of the butt for a BBL effect with magnetic energy. This energy painlessly and effectively stimulates the muscle fibers, producing supramaximal contractions. These powerful contractions exert tension on the muscle tissues, causing the body to create and fortify the buttocks’ muscle fibers.

Learn more about how CoolTone works >>

By creating new muscle fibers, CoolTone treatments improve volumetric growth and product plumper glute muscles. Furthermore, treatments fortify existing fibers improving the muscle tone of the backside. This effect creates a non-surgical butt lift that requires no surgery or pain.

The Superhuman Way to Achieve a Toned Butt

CoolTone’s 30-minute treatment produces more than 20,000 contractions. To equal this at the gym, a person would have to do 20,000 squats manually. This is simply impossible for most people. Thankfully, CoolTone makes it easy to achieve a superman-like workout to lift and shape the buttocks naturally.

Why Millions Choose CoolTone

CoolTone was created by Allergen, the same people responsible for the most popular fat reduction treatment, CoolSculpting. Millions of people have undergone the fat freezing treatment known as CoolSculpting and achieved phenomenal results. Now Allergen gives those same people the chance to enhance their muscles with CoolTone.

How to Get the Best Cool Tone Butt

If you desire the best non-surgical butt lift results, you should schedule a treatment with the most reputable spa. Laser + Skin Institute is proud to be the best Cool tone provider in the Chatham area. Laser + Skin Institute provides patients with the best Cool Tone Butt experience with exceptionally trained treatment specialists. Each patient raves about their butt lift results, toting an undeniably rounder, lifted butt

Cool Tone Butt Near Me

If you want to learn more about achieving the best Cool Tone Butt in the area, and the most optimal non-surgical butt lift, contact Laser + Skin Institute. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online.


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Body Sculpting with CoolTone and CoolSculpting

fit young woman with coolsculpting treatment in Chatham

Body Sculpting with CoolTone and CoolSculpting

Body sculpting is a cosmetic treatment that reduces stubborn fat bulges and contours sleek, sexy body contours. There are various types of fat reduction treatments. Learning about each different treatment helps potential patients understand body contouring and how it works. Learn more about these body sculpting treatments to help determine which one is best for your physique.

Non-Surgical Body Sculpting

Non-surgical body sculpting is popular because it is an easy, comfortable way to reduce stubborn fat. Before these treatments emerged, patients had to endure painful, invasive surgery that came with a lengthy recovery period. Now, people can safely and effectively reduce embarrassing bulges of fat in luxury.

Popular body sculpting treatments can reduce fat cells in the following areas:

Popular Body Sculpting Treatments | CoolTone and CoolSculpting

Among the best body sculpting treatments, CoolSculpting and CoolTone take the lead as the most popular. Allergan created both treatments, but they each have their benefits. CoolSculpting and CoolTone provide patients with a way to reduce fat and achieve sculpted, firm muscles without surgery or lengthy downtime in their own unique way.

What is CoolTone

CoolTone is a muscle-building procedure that builds, strengthens, and tones muscles in the abs, buttocks, and legs. This body sculpting treatment uses a magnetic muscle stimulation machine to induce power muscle contractions. These “supramaximal contractions” are intense and impossible to achieve manually. Each CoolTone procedure induces 20,000 contractions, equal to doing 20,000 lunges, crunches, or squats.

See CoolTone before and after results >>

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting treatments reduce stubborn fat using a scientific process known as Cryolipolysis. During a Cold Sculpt session, the target treatment area is subjected to controlled cooling. This temperature effectively freezes fat cells, causing their cell membrane to rupture. This process causes total cell death and sends a signal to the body’s lymphatic system. For weeks after the treatment, your body naturally removes the dead cells as a form of waste. CoolSculpting provides natural, long-lasting fat reduction because once the cells are removed, they cannot grow back.

See CoolSculpting before and after results >>

Combining Body Sculpting Treatments

Since CoolSculpting and CoolTone are sister treatments, they can be combined for a total body transformation. In a sense, the two treatments complete one another. Treating the abdomen with CoolSculpting reduces belly fat, allowing the underlying muscles to show. Patients that follow up that session with a CoolTone treatment will enjoy total abdomen muscle stimulation for those coveted washboard abs. Each treatment will magnify the other’s results, making them the perfect body sculpting treatments to combine.

Body Sculpting Treatments Near Me

If you want to learn more about body sculpting treatments, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a proud provider of the most popular body sculpting treatments, CoolSculpting and CoolTone. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule a consultation to discover which treatment would be best for you and how combining the two could change your entire physique.


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CoolSculpting Neck Fat | Freeze Away Your Double Chin

beautiful young woman with coolsculpting treatment neck area

CoolSculpting Neck Fat | Freeze Away Your Double Chin

CoolSculpting neck fat is the perfect way to reduce embarrassing double chins. Learn more about the science behind the most popular fat reduction treatment and how it reduces submental fullness. This fat reduction treatment can help eliminate neck fat without surgery or lengthy downtime.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is the most popular non-invasive fat reduction method available. This treatment allows patients to freeze away fat cells in trouble zones like the stomach, upper arms, thighs, and neck/chin. This procedure uses a proprietary applicator to expose unwanted bulges of fat to controlled cooling. This process effectively freezes the unwanted fat cells, eliminating them from the body completely.

Learn more about how CoolSculpting works >>

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

When CoolSculpting first hit the market, it was FDA approved to remove fat deposits that accumulate on the abdomen and flanks or love handles. As its popularity grew, the makers developed additional applicators to target isolated fat deposits in other areas. One of the newest CoolSculpting applicators, the CoolMini, was created to treat submental fullness. This applicator helps patients eliminate neck fat, jowls, and double chins with ease.

Learn more about the CoolMini applicator >>

What Causes Submental Fullness?

CoolSculpting neck fat is an option for people who are struggling with annoying submental fullness. Nearly one out of every two people admit that they struggle with the appearance of their double chin, jowls, or neck wattle. Submental fullness is one of the most common problem areas for people because it is challenging to lose weight in that area. Double chins and neck fat result from aging, genetics, and resist diet and exercise efforts.

CoolSculpting Neck Fat

Before CoolSculpting, most people had to choose invasive procedures like liposuction to correct stubborn fat deposits. Thankfully, now there is an option for those who want to avoid painful surgery and a lengthy recovery time. With the CoolMini, CoolSculpting neck fat is simple and easy. This treatment can reduce submental fullness without surgery, pain, stitches, or injections.

CoolSculpting neck fat has been clinically proven as safe and effective. According to scientific findings:

  • seven out of ten patients said the procedure was comfortable
  • eight out of ten patients would recommend CoolSculpting neck fat to a friend
  • CoolSculpting neck fat leads to an average of 20% fat reduction after one treatment
  • 83% of patients were delighted with their neck fat reduction

See before and after results >>

CoolSculpting Neck Fat in Chatham

If you live in the Chatham, NJ area and want to learn more about CoolSculpting neck fat, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a leading provider of fat freezing in the Chatham area with an exceptional staff, state-of-the-art equipment, and a luxurious setting for all treatments. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule a free consultation to learn more about reducing your stubborn neck and chin fat.


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Hyaluronic Acid Fillers | Rejuvenate and Restore Your Appearance

hyaluronic acid fillers

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers | Rejuvenate and Restore Your Appearance

Millions of people turn to Hyaluronic Acid fillers, like Juvéderm, to improve their appearance. HA fillers correct blemishes and age-related concerns like wrinkles, loss of symmetry, acne scars, and sunken facial depressions. Moreover, this popular cosmetic injection renews the face and enhances facial features. Learn more about Hyaluronic Acid fillers here and determine if this injection is right for you.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Juvéderm injections consist of the naturally occurring substance, Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is responsible for maintaining moisture and keeping the skin looking plump, youthful, and radiant. When Juvéderm is injected into the skin, the HA acts as a volumizing substance. It is responsible for filling in wrinkles and lines, plumping up facial depressions, and enhancing facial features.

Learn more about Juvederm >>

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Before and After*

The Hyaluronic acid fillers before and after images show each patient’s dramatic results with this cosmetic injection. While results will vary per patient*, each saw a significant improvement in their skin and facial appearance.

Woman's Juvéderm fillers before and after results at Laser + Skin Institute in Chatham, NJ.
Juvéderm fillers before and after pictures Laser + Skin Institute

Why Juvéderm With Hyaluronic Acid is the Best Dermal Filler

While there are several different dermal fillers available on the market, Juvéderm with Hyaluronic Acid is the best choice. This is because the HA gel works underneath the skin, plumping and pushing up any sunken area. This therapeutic injection also successfully does the following:

  • Fills in pitted acne scars
  • Fills in under-eye hollows
  • Softens glabellar lines
  • Softens vertical lip lines
  • Softens nasolabial folds
  • Lifts, contour, and restores cheek volume
  • Enhances facial features like the lips
  • Volumizes pre-jowl depressions

Hyaluronic Acid Filler Cost

HA filler cost will vary per patient. The total cost will depend on the treatment area. During a free consultation with Laser Skin + Institute, you can discuss HA filler prices in detail with an injection specialist. They can help analyze your face, skin, and features and design the perfect treatment plan to fit within your budget.

How Long Do HA Fillers Last?

Hyaluronic Acid fillers are temporary. Depending on your body and the formula, the results may last between 6 months to 2 years. Your body will naturally absorb the filler over this period. Once your results have diminished, you can always have the procedure done again to keep enjoying your rejuvenated appearance.

HA Filler Side Effects

Juvéderm using Hyaluronic Acid fillers is an FDA-cleared treatment with a high safety profile. The side effects are rare. However, some patients may experience mild redness, tenderness, bruising, swelling, or discoloration at the injection site. These effects are temporary and will go away on their own. Juvéderm is a technique-sensitive treatment. To avoid mild side effects, it is beneficial to find the most reputable medical spa to provide HA filler injections.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Near Me

If you live in the Chatham, NJ, Area and want to learn more about Juvéderm injections, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a leading provider of Hyaluronic Acid fillers in our area, providing patients with dramatic facial rejuvenation. Call us at (973) 635-5050 to schedule your consultation or reach out to us online.


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